Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design Elements

Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Local Heap Is Full Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design Elements There are recognized websites on the internet and you have to find them to ensure reliability. Domino 7 Lotus Notes Application Development. If you’re reading this book, you’re probably already familiar with the Domino server. You know about all the powerful productivity features offered by this product and you know how much your company relies on it to communicate, collaborate, and manage its collective store of corporate knowledge.

Lotus Training Overview
  • LotusScript is a BASIC derivative that uses many of the same statements and function names, so most developers will find it easy to understand and use without too much relearning. While this course teaches the basics of LotusScript, its primary emphasis is not on the language itself, but rather on how to use it to operate on Notes database.
  • Lotus Notes and Domino 6. Utilize the Domino Designer 6 user interface features to share and lock design elements, perform remote debugging, and create and manipulate XML and DXL from Domino 6 design objects; Centralize the distribution and maintenance of Java code in a Domino application Amazon.com: Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Programming Bible.

LotusScript is a BASIC derivative that uses many of the same statements and function names, so most developers will find it easy to understand and use without too much relearning. While this course teaches the basics of LotusScript, its primary emphasis is not on the language itself, but rather on how to use it to operate on Notes database, view, document, field, and ACL objects. With this knowledge, you will be able to develop powerful custom applications and extend the standard templates such as Mail or Discussion.
Lotus Training Course goals

In this course, you will learn how to: This course will teach you how to:

  • use fundamental LotusScript language elements as you program and debug applications using Domino Designer
  • use LotusScript in various Notes events to operate on objects in the Domino Object Model
  • configure client, server, database, and document security mechanisms to allow LotusScript to operate
  • reconcile LotusScript and Notes data types and validate user input
  • design error handling routines to gracefully recover from runtime errors
  • operate on new and existing documents as well as on collections of documents
  • use messaging to send email, documents, and newsletters
  • operate on the database ACL and develop an alternative user interface so users can more easily administer database security
  • interact with users with both the primitive LotusScript and sophisticated Notes dialog boxes
  • use Profile documents to store application and user-specific configuration settings
  • develop custom procedures and classes and use Script Libraries to store and share commonly used procedures across design elements and applications
  • develop server-based Agents that use LotusScript and Notes objects to process documents
  • debug Agents using the Remote LotusScript Debugger, report errors to a log file, profile Agent performance, and work with your server administrator to develop application probes to monitor ongoing Agent performance
  • operate on file system based text files
  • generate MIME content that can be used to send formatted emails with intact HTML
  • parse XML files to extract element data and attributes
  • run procedures stored in Windows, Notes, and other product DLLs
  • instantiate objects from other products such as Office applications, Windows Script Host, and Windows Management Instrumentation via COM to use their properties and methods.
Lotus Training Audience

This course is designed for Notes programmers well versed in using Domino Designer 8. It assumes that you have:

  • extensive experience using Notes 8
  • thorough knowledge of the Domino Designer 8 development environment, including Form and View design
  • mastered the concepts covered in the Domino Designer 8: Basic Notes Applications course.
The course does not review any aspects of the non-LotusScript specific development environment such as how to design forms or views.
Though not required, experience in any event-driven or structured programming language is helpful in understanding LotusScript. If you have used LotusScript in other Lotus applications or have built applications using Microsoft® Visual Basic™, you will find that this course won't be repetitive as it focuses mostly on Notes objects.
This course is part of a series of Domino Designer 8 training courses. Follow these paths to master all aspects of developing applications using Domino Designer:
Domino Designer 8: Basic Notes Applications provides the base knowledge for this additional training:
Client Track
  • Configure Domino to use DB2 as a database engine and build applications that access relational data, DB2 for Domino 8 Administrators and Developers.
  • Specialize in programming Notes applications to respond to built-in user interface features, Domino Designer 8: Special Notes Features.
  • Convert an application written for Notes clients to be used in browsers, Domino Designer 8: Basic Browser Applications.
  • Provide data to cutting-edge Web applications, Domino Designer 8: Web Agents and Web Services.
Language Track. These languages apply to both Notes and browser clients:

Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design Elements Desk Design Pool

  • Learn sophisticated application techniques that fully exploit the formula language in Domino Designer 8: Formula Language.
  • Develop sophisticated applications and Agents with LotusScript in Domino Designer 8: LotusScript.
  • Add powerful client-side scripting to browser applications in Domino Designer 8: JavaScript.
Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design ElementsCourse design

This is a lecture/lab course in which you will closely examine demonstration code and create additional code. You will immediately apply the concepts and techniques as you work in your own project database.
This is not an introductory programming course. Its emphasis is on how to use LotusScript to manipulate Notes objects. All major concepts are reinforced with examples and exercises, during which you will code and debug LotusScript. From this experience you will have the necessary skills to build sophisticated applications.
All code fragments are labeled to make talking about them and reusing them in exercises easier. The intent in labeling them is also to help build a sense of modularity, purpose, and a way of 'thinking' about LotusScript.

Lotus Training Course duration

4 days
Lotus Training Course outline

    Topic 1: LotusScript in Notes and Domino
      What is LotusScript?
      Advantages of LotusScript for Notes/Domino
      When to use LotusScript
      Where the code runs
      LotusScript respects security
      What LotusScript cannot do
      Limits and performance
      Other resources

    Topic 2: Lotus Notes Events
      Event-driven language
      Enter LotusScript code
      Automatic code completion
      Programmers Pane properties
      Print code
      Syntax errors
      Compile and test the code
      Exercise: Create button event script
      What is the sequence of events?
      Exercise: Experience the event model
      What happened? Create document events
      Query what? Post what?
      Recalculate document event
      Save document event
      Close document event
      Switch modes events
      Read document events
      Agent events
      Database events
      View events
      Field events

    Topic 3: Debugging
      Script errors
      Remark code
      Script Debugger
      Find errors
      Debugger Buttons
      Debugger tabs
      Exercise: Use the Debugger
      Exercise: Break points
      Persistent breakpoints
      Debugging with Msgbox and Print

    Topic 4: Language Fundamentals
      Basic language rules
      MessageBox parameters and return values
      Declare variables
      Advantages of explicit declaration
      Global variables
      Exercise: Global variables
      User-defined data type
      Statements and functions
      Exercise: Experience LotusScript functions
      String functions
      Math functions
      Date functions
      Data type conversion
      Boolean operators
      How Designer Help helps
      Platform considerations

    Topic 5: Program Control Structures
      Program structure
      Experience control structures
      Branching structures
      Exercise: Branching structures
      Looping structures
      Looping performance
      Code benchmarking
      Exercise: Looping
      How to exit a structure
      Break out of an endless loop
      Exercise: Exit a structure

    Topic 6: User Input Validation and Error Handling
      Check for empty variable
      Failure to exit loop
      Check data type
      Other data type tests
      Exercise: User input validation
      Error handler
      Resume after error
      Goto after error
      Resume 0
      Specific error number handling
      Reverse engineer Err codes
      Error cases
      Exercise: Error handling
      Multiple error handlers
      Error handlers and the Debugger

    Topic 7: Domino Object Model
      What is an object?
      Object class properties and methods
      Domino Object Model
      Back-end vs. Front-end classes
      Back-end object classes
      Front-end object classes
      How Designer Help helps

    Topic 8: Notes Object Instantiation
      Object instantiation steps
      How to instantiate an object
      Container objects
      Object reference variables
      Best practice: Use generic object names
      Access current database using back-end methods
      Best practice: Use constants
      Use Domino Designer 8 Help
      Exercise: Object containers
      Access other databases using back-end methods
      Access other database on server
      Exercise: Instantiate object in another database
      Best practice: Public declarations of Notes objects
      Notes object properties
      Read object property
      Set object property
      Chain/pipe references
      'With' statement
      Notes object methods
      Run Notes object methods
      Three types of methods
      Exercise: Open method
      LotusScript is not a keystroke macro language
      Interact with users via front-end methods
      Exercise: Open database for user
      Delete object reference

    Topic 9: NotesSession Object Operations
      Session properties
      NotesName object class
      NOTES.INI access
      Data type assignment from environment
      Exercise: Set environment

    Topic 10: NotesDatabase Object Operations
      Paths to instantiate NotesDatabase
      Select and open database
      Ways to create a new NotesDatabase object
      Is the database really open?
      Open database on servers
      Exercise: Database Info
      Iterate data to look for a database
      NotesReplication class
      Exercise: NotesReplication class
      Open database for user in UI
      Open a database by property
      Error handling when opening databases
      Exercise: Find database
      Create non-replica database copy
      Who can create a database?
      Copy documents to new database
      Exercise: Database Copy
      Error handler review
      Create replica copy
      New database from template
      ACL of new database from using template
      Delete database
      Case Study

    Topic 11: New Document Object Operations
      New document (back-end)
      Security issues with back-end methods
      Document properties
      Exercise: Create Document (back-end)
      New document using Form (front-end)
      Security issues with front-end methods
      Exercise: Create NotesUIDocument object

    Topic 12: NotesItem Object Operations
      Create a new item Option 1: Extended class syntax
      Data type of a new item
      Create a new item Option 2: NotesItem object New method
      Item properties you can set
      Create a new item Option 3: Document object method
      Create a new item Option 4: AppendItemValue method
      Read item values Option 1: Extended class syntax
      Read item values Option 2: NotesItem object Values property
      Read item values Option 3: Use GetItemValue method
      Modify existing item values
      Best practice: Be sure an item exists before using it
      Access system fields
      Read all items
      Remove item
      Exercise: Manipulate NotesItem objects
      Challenge Exercise I: System Inventory
      Objects required for Challenge Exercise
      Pseudocode for Challenge Exercise

    Topic 13: UI Object Classes
      NotesUIWorkspace object
      Close method
      NotesUIDocument object
      Instantiating the current UI document object
      Front-end UI methods
      Back-end to front-end interaction
      Example of back-end to front-end interaction
      NotesUIDocument limitations
      Using the 'Source' object reference variable
      Instantiating container object
      Exercise: Flip-Flop via back-end methods
      Exercise: Flip-Flop via front-end methods
      NotesUIView object
      Refresh a View

    Topic 14: Notes Data Validation
      Form translation and validation
      Check empty object
      Example: Check empty object
      Check for empty item (Field)
      Example: Check for empty item (Field entry)
      Accessing fields in a Form
      Field focus
      Simple Field validation
      Exercise: Item validation
      Compute with Form
      Continue variable
      Example setting Continue I: Stop a Form from closing
      Example setting Continue II: Require Action Button clicks
      Stop users from deleting documents in folders
      Stop users from pasting documents

    Topic 15: Multi-Value Items and Arrays
      Array basics
      How to declare an array
      Assign values to an array
      Read single array element value
      Iteratively read array elements
      Examples of object properties returning an array of values
      Find an array element
      Replace values in an array
      Determine the number of elements in an array
      Remove blank elements
      Dynamically sized array
      Create copy of an array
      Erase array values
      Exercise: Dynamic array
      Append one array to another array
      Multi- dimension arrays
      Items and multi-value Fields
      Variable assignment
      Testing equivalence
      Read an array of strings or array of objects?
      Get multi-value Field in current document
      Set multi-value Field in current document
      Append to existing multi-value Field
      Exercise: Translate a multi-value Field
      More on 'Item' versus 'Field'
      Sort array
      Challenge Exercise II: System inventory
      Arrays and performance

    Topic 16: Date-Time Operations
      How time is handled
      Date and time in LotusScript
      NotesDateTime object
      Date/Time parameter format
      NotesInternational object

    Topic 17: RichTextItem Object Operations
      Rich Text programmatic issues
      Instantiate NotesRichTextItem object
      Accessing existing NotesRichTextItem objects
      Things you can add to Rich Text item
      Append text
      Append spacing
      Append character styles
      Best practice: Style arrays and subs
      Append doclink
      Exercise: Formatted Rich Text
      Append file attachment
      Detach attachment
      Append another NotesRichTextItem
      Abstract text
      Navigate through the elements in a Rich Text item
      Insert object into existing Rich Text
      Example: Append and populate table
      Reopen document to show Rich Text
      NotesUIDocument techniques to work with Rich Text Field
      Validate Rich Text entry
      NotesRichTextItem object Update and Compact methods
      Challenge Exercise III: System inventory
      RTF versus MIME

    Topic 18: Collections of Document Objects
      Work on existing document(s)
      NotesDocumentCollection object
      Security issue
      GetNextDocument requirements
      Exercise: Loop through NotesDocumentCollection
      Solution: Loop through NotesDocumentCollection
      Add or remove documents from a collection
      AddDocument and DeleteDocument method tricks
      Bulk changes to document collections
      Security issues with StampAll and RemoveAll
      Other collections of document objects
      Sort a collection
      Collections and performance

    Topic 19: View-Based Document Object Collections
      NotesView object
      Exercise: Loop through NotesView
      Solution: Loop through NotesView
      NotesDocument object ColumnValues property
      Primary key and View concerns
      Get a document or document collection by View key
      Example: Build a collection by View key
      Process descendent documents
      Iterate all levels of a document hierarchy
      Sibling documents
      Access a documents parent document
      View.EntryCount property
      NotesViewEntryCollection object
      NotesViewEntry and NotesDocument objects
      Exercise: Status summary
      Solution: Status summary
      NotesViewNavigator object

    Topic 20: Search-Based Document Collections
      Collection from GetModifiedDocuments method
      Collection by Full Text Search
      The query
      Search items using [FIELD]
      Search on special items
      Full Text Search options
      Use the results
      About the accuracy of Full Text Search
      Refine an existing collection
      Exercise: FTSearch Summary
      Solution: FTSearch summary
      Collection by ordinary Search
      Change a View Selection Formula
      Exercise: Search summary
      Solution: Search summary
      Search method performance
      Switch search methods on-the-fly
      Domain Search
      Code the FTDomainSearch method

    Topic 21: Unprocessed, Selected, Unread Documents
      Unprocessed documents
      Unprocessed documents and user interaction
      Efficient processing by Agents
      Unprocessed flag and Agents
      Unprocessed search accuracy
      Exercise: Unprocessed documents
      Documents highlighted and/or selected in a View
      Unread documents

    Topic 22: Existing Document Object Operations
      Make a copy of the current document
      Delete a document
      Security issues
      Exercise: Archive selected documents
      Delete open document
      Test for locked document
      Lock document
      Does the document really need to be saved?
      IsDeleted and soft deletes
      IsValid document? IsDeleted document?
      Is document open in the UI?
      Open user-selected document
      Put document in Folder (back-end)
      Put document in Folder (front-end)
      Exercise: Put document(s) in Folder
      Remove document(s) from Folder
      Remove all Folders
      Remove only personal Folders
      Make Response document

    Topic 23: Newsletter Object
      NotesNewsletter object
      Create newsletter object
      Exercise: Newsletter report
      Case study: Custom search Form
      Optional exercise: Order report
      FormatDocument method

    Topic 24: Messaging
      Send document
      Example Agent
      Send method parameters
      Source database
      Read the Directory for user mail information
      Change the apparent sender name from Notes
      Change the apparent sender name from an Agent
      Prevent Agent mail 'ping-pong'
      Exercise: Send message
      Optional properties and Fields
      Exercise: Status Checker Agent
      Solution: Status Checker Agent
      Challenge Exercise IV: System inventory
      Programmatically send Sametime instant messages

    Topic 25: Evaluate @Functions
      Which @Functions cannot be used?
      Why evaluate @Functions in LotusScript?
      Evaluate syntax
      Sum two Fields
      String functions
      Uppercase Field
      @Functions outside of object context
      Sum an array
      Exercise: Using @Functions
      Performance implications

    Topic 26: Dialog Boxes
      Choose Database dialog box
      Exercise: PickListStrings
      Free Time dialogs
      Folder dialog
      From where you can call the DialogBox method
      Status information
      Case study: Bring the data here

    Topic 27: Database Access Control List
      Minimum access requirements
      Best practices
      Find a known ACL entry level
      Name storage in the ACL
      ACL level constants
      Iterate ACL entries
      Other ACL permissions
      Resolve group or Organization wildcard name
      Why control the ACL with LotusScript?
      Add an ACL entry
      When to save ACL changes
      -Default- special handling
      Exercise: Set ACL
      Change the level of an entry
      Rename an entry
      Delete an entry
      Exercise: ACL control
      Set permissions
      Set entry type
      Add a Role
      Associate an entry with a Role
      Role resolution
      Disassociate entry from Role
      Rename Role
      Remove a Role
      ACL and replication
      ACL, your Domino administrator, and company policy

    Topic 28: Profile Documents
      What Profile documents are used for
      The nature of Profile documents
      Profile document security and replication
      Create Profile document
      Back-end method to access Profile document
      Read profile Fields
      List Profile documents
      Delete Profile document

    Topic 29: Procedures and Script Libraries
      Advantages of using procedures
      How/where to define procedures
      Function procedures
      Call a function
      Single function argument
      Pass an array as an argument
      Multiple function arguments
      Example: ConvertTemp function
      Example: ReplaceSubstring function
      Exercise: Value translation
      Exit a procedure
      Sub procedures
      Example: Sub procedure
      Pass argument by reference
      Pass argument by value
      Script Libraries
      Use 'LibraryName' statement in Options
      Exercise: Use a Script Library
      Resource strings
      Script Library tips
      Recursion example: Process all child documents
      Recursion example: Find root parent document
      Recompile all LotusScript
      %Include LSS file

    Topic 30: Custom Classes
      Custom classes
      Derived classes (inheritance)
      Memory management
      Example: Custom helper class
      Advantages of object-oriented programming
      Learn more about custom classes
      .LSO files
      .LSX files

    Topic 31: Server-Based Agents
      Create new Agent
      Document selection 'event'
      Unprocessed documents
      Before New Mail Arrives trigger
      Agent security
      Handling UI method errors in Agents
      DelayUpdates property for Agents
      Pass arguments at run time
      Work queue architecture
      Usage guidelines

    Topic 32: Agent Logging, Profiling, and Debugging
      Domino Server Log
      Private Agent log
      Custom Agent Log
      Agent performance and Agent Profiling
      DDM Application Probes
      Remote LotusScript Debugger

    Topic 33: Text File Operations
      Write to a text file (Output)
      Read lines from a text file (Input)
      Read performance
      Delete a file
      Example: List Databases to File
      Exercise: Append to text file
      Export records to text file
      Easy comma delimited export
      Import records from text file
      NotesStream class
      Open, write to, and close NotesStream object
      List databases example
      MIME in email messages
      Agents and MIME/HTML

    Topic 34: XML Processing
      What wont be covered
      NotesDOMParser and NotesDOMDocumentNode classes
      Example XML file
      Walk DOM Tree
      Exercise: Correlate XML file to walkTree report
      Create Notes documents from XML
      Open a NotesStream to a URL

    Topic 35: Call DLL Procedures
      Declare DLL procedure
      Call the DLL Procedure
      Caveats and tips
      Win API: GetFolderName
      Win API: Read/Write INI file
      Win API: Get registry value
      Notes API: Close any Notes window
      Notes API: Run file from Notes
      Other DLL examples

    Topic 36: Use Other Product Objects
      Component Object Model (COM)
      Instantiate Excel objects
      Start and stop an application
      Product object hierarchy
      Access the object methods and properties
      Where to find object data files
      Example 1: Create Excel object from file
      Example 2: Create new Excel object and set formula
      Example 3: Create new Excel chart object
      Example 4: Export View to Excel
      Example 5: Create new Word object
      Example 6: Create new Word object (labels)
      Compound Document Container
      Example 7: Work with embedded object
      Notes and OLE
      Example 8: Create OLE object in PostOpen event
      Troubleshoot OLE problems
      Example 9: Operate on attachment
      Windows Script Host (WSH)
      Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
      COM access to Notes objects
      Buy versus build
      Lotus Symphony

'Hide-whens' have a real personality. They are one of the most important tools in a developer's kit for building a quality user interface for a Domino application. Hide-whens can improve the user interface (UI) of an application, smooth out display differences between Notes clients and Web browsers, and help custom-tailor document contents to their readers. But sometimes hide-whens seem to have a mind of their own. Judging from the number of postings to Notes.net discussions, hide-whens can sometimes be a cause of frustration.

This article explores the ins and outs of using hide-whens, discusses some examples, and offers suggestions for some of the problems you may encounter. It assumes a solid understanding of using Domino Designer R5 to develop Notes/Domino applications.

Hide-when basics

Frustration with hide-whens may arise, in part, because they require some reverse thinking. Most Notes formulas are by their nature 'show-whens'-the formula displays something to the user. Hide-whens typically prevent the display of something. Another problem is that while developers tend to think of their application's UI object-by-object, hide-whens don't work object-by-object, they work paragraph-by-paragraph. And finally, hide-whens don't work the same way for all objects. Hide-whens typically apply to a field and its contents. But in a rich text field, for example, hide-whens can be applied to subsets of the field's contents. Changes in settings can ride into the field on pasted text or graphics. While this is usually the right thing for the content, it can be a surprise for you.

Hide-whens are invoked by the evaluation of a condition that takes the form if (A) then hide (B). For example:

  • If the document is in Read mode, then hide this field.
  • If the field TotalSales is empty, then hide this field.
  • If the client type is 'Web,'then hide this form.
  • If the reader is not the next approver, then hide this button.

Hide-whens allow you to manipulate what appears in the UI of the application based on the state or properties or contents of the object the hide-when formula is applied to. Almost anything in the UI can be hidden-fields, buttons, text, or graphics on forms. (The major exceptions are rich text fields and tables, which are discussed later in this article.)

Hide-whens are invoked in the object's properties box; the Hide tab is the one with the window shade. The most common reasons for using a hide-when can be selected on this tab:

Figure 1. Hide tab of the properties box

Check any of the boxes, and the paragraph containing the object will be hidden when that condition exists. The options on this tab have become more elaborate as Notes features have proliferated. It now allows you to:

  • Hide the paragraph from Notes or the Web – These choices help enhance the application's compatibility with particular clients. You might hide a file-upload control from Notes clients, and hide a rich text field intended to hold file attachments from Web users.
  • Hide the paragraph when the document is previewed or opened for reading – These choices can conceal elements when the document is in Read mode that are used only when the document is in Edit mode or used only by the application's developer.
  • Hide the paragraph when the document is previewed or opened for editing – These choices can hide elements used only in Read mode. When used with the Read mode choices, they let you give users interface devices that help them enter data while the document is being edited, and then hide those interface devices so that the data is presented as simply as possible in Read mode.
  • Hide the paragraph when the document is printed or copied to the clipboard – These two choices are gentle enforcers of security for sensitive information. (They work only in Notes clients, of course, not in Web browsers.) They don't make it impossible to extract data from a Domino application, but they make it more difficult.
  • Hide the paragraph when the formula is true – This allows you to specify hide-when conditions that are specific to your application, using the full range of fields and properties. You can use @functions and formulas that base conditions on the ACL or the contents of other fields.

Three major uses for hide-whens

In Notes applications, there are three major uses for hide-whens. All of them are related to giving the application the best possible user interface, which means presenting appropriate information as simply and clearly as possible and helping the user understand the range of possible actions:

  • State-related – Used when the designer wants to present a field in one format if the document is open in Edit mode, but in another format if the document is in Read mode.
  • User-related – Used when content must be hidden from some users but displayed for others, based on user roles.
  • Client-related – Used when a feature works on one client but not on another, for instance, rich text fields in the Notes client versus in a Web browser.

There are some alternatives to hide-whens for particular uses; computed subforms is one example. And finally, there are limits to what hide-whens will hide, and how effectively they hide it. More on that later.

State-related hide-whens

Perhaps the most common use for a hide-when is to give the user the gentle guidance of a UI control when they're entering data into a form, and then to hide that control when the saved document is opened for reading. You might want to give users a set of radio buttons to choose a department name when they're creating or editing a document, but just display the name of the selected department when the document is opened for reading.

To do this, you create two fields on the form, one directly above the other. In Designer, these fields look like this:

Figure 2. Two fields

You create the DepartmentEntry field as an editable set of radio buttons. You set the DepartmentDisplay field to be plain text of type Computed for Display with its default value set to the field name DepartmentEntry.

On the Hide tab of the properties box for the DepartmentEntry field, select the hide-when options to keep the radio buttons from being displayed when the document is in Read mode:

Figure 3. Options for hide for read mode

Then select the DepartmentDisplay field and do the opposite; select the hide-when options Previewed for editing and Opened for editing:

Figure 4. Options for hide for edit mode

Note: As an alternate to setting the field properties, you can achieve exactly the same affect by selecting each text label that says Department and setting its hide-when properties. Or you can select the entire paragraph and set its text properties. This can be a source of some confusion; just remember that when you set properties for a field or a label-any part of a paragraph-the settings affect the entire paragraph. In this case, the labels are on the same lines as the fields, so they're part of the paragraphs and take on the field properties.

The result of these selections gives users guidance in choosing one and only one department by using a panel of radio buttons when the document is being created or edited (as shown on the left below), but displays their choice much more simply and takes up much less space when the document is being read (as shown on the right):

Figure 5. Display of two fields

This simple technique can make a big difference in the appearance of documents as users toggle between Edit and Read modes. A similar use of hide-whens can help reduce the clutter of UI gadgetry in documents being edited. If the data or selections can be categorized, you can let the user choose the category, and then display only the relevant items.

Here is an example of cascading selections that uses a dialog list field named InterviewSelector to let the user pick a subtopic within a Help Desk trouble report form. The fields for each subtopic are hidden until the user selects that subtopic-either from the InterviewSelector list or via a button that calls the next list choice.

First, create the dialog list field InterviewSelector and enter the names of the subtopics as the list choices. Be sure to select the 'Refresh fields on keyword change' checkbox.

Figure 6. Dialog list choices

To make the form open in the proper state (with the first item in the list selected), give the field this default value:

@If(@IsNewDoc; '1. User'; InterviewSelector)

Then add the appropriate fields for each subtopic to the form, one below the other, spaced with blank lines as needed for appearance. Set the Hide formula for each of these fields (and any blank lines below it-this maintains alignment) so that they are hidden unless the corresponding subtopic is selected in the InterviewSelector field. For example, the Hide formula for the user information fields-for example, User, Location, Phone, Email, and ContactInfo-would be:

InterviewSelector != '1. User'

And the Hide formula for the problem type fields-for example, ProblemType and ProblemComments-would be:

InterviewSelector != '2. Problem type'

A section of the form looks like this:

Figure 7. Subtopic fields in the form

The buttons, like the one that says Next: Problem type, perform the same function as the InterviewSelector list-they reset the value of InterviewSelector to the next subtopic, and then refresh the Hide fields to reveal the next set of data fields. They provide the user with easy, orderly navigation of the form. The user can step through the form using the buttons, or pull down the InterviewSelector list to return to a previously visited section.

The button code consists of two simple actions created in the Click object. For the button labeled Next: Problem type in the illustration above, the first action resets the value of InterviewSelector to 2. Problem type:

Figure 8. First action for buttons

The second action runs an @command that refreshes the document's fields so that the hide-when formulas are evaluated:

Figure 9. Second action for buttons

When the user creates a new document, the form opens on the first subtopic:

Figure 10. First subtopic fields

When the user completes the user information section and clicks the Next: Problem type button, the fields that are displayed for the user change to the second subtopic's fields:

Figure 11. Second subtopic's fields

The hide-whens yield a visually simple, organized application that collects data into a single document. It guides users through the required steps in logical order and doesn't overwhelm them with a long, cluttered form they must scroll down to complete.

User-related hide-whens

Hide-whens are frequently used to give different groups of users different views of the data in a document, or to tailor a document to its current user. Here's the top of a form from a purchase-order system that uses workflow for approvals:

Figure 12. Purchase order form approvals

When a user creates a new document, her name is automatically filled in. She selects the department the PO will be charged to from a drop-down list, and chooses first- and second-level approvers also from drop-down lists-a department director for the first level approval and a vice-president for the second.

Here is the design for the same section of the form:

Figure 13. Purchase order form design

The simplicity of the visible UI contrasts with the complexity of the application design. Hide-whens are used extensively to maintain this simplicity, yet allow the application to be as flexible as possible. A document created with this form can have three states: it can be saved as a work-in-progress, it can be saved as ready to submit, or it can be saved and submitted. The save step is obviously crucial, and much of the programming in the form is keyed to the save action. Three of the fields on the right side of the table are filled in by querysave operation: the PONo field is a computed look-up into another database that returns the next available PO number, and the DirAmt and VPAmt fields are also populated by computed-when-saved lookups that enter the amount of money each approval has signing authority for. If the amount of the PO entered further down exceeds these limits then the Thirdapprover field-for a senior vice-president-is made part of the workflow and the user is prompted to select a third approver.

The top two rows and the bottom row of the table are hidden until the document is saved. If items and prices have been entered (lower down on the form) and the save action verifies that the PO is ready to submit, then the Submit button, the PO number, the Link to Requisition and Cancel PO buttons appear. (Link to Requisition, if clicked, lets the user choose a requisition document from a list of existing requisitions. A doclink to the requisition appears in the POBody field in the top row of the table.)

If the Submit button is clicked, the SubmitDate field is filled in, e-mail is sent to the first approver, and the Ready field, a flag field, is set to Yes. The hide-when formula on the Submit button won't allow the button to appear if Ready is Yes, which prevents a PO from being submitted more than once.

The table serves a valuable function here, because objects in individual table cells can be hidden or revealed. Otherwise the entire line-or paragraph-would be affected.

It's important to understand that using hide-whens to hide data removes it from the display, but it does not remove it from the document. All the fields in the document and their contents continue to be visible in the document's properties box.

For example, it's common for a developer to hide fields from both authors and readers by checking off all the properties box's hide-when options. You might do this for fields that hold temporary or intermediate values. But be careful. You may use sensitive information like salaries only for calculations, and hide it in both Edit and Read modes:

Figure 14. Salary field settings

But the field still exists in the document, and even though it doesn't display in the document it is still reported in the Document properties box:

Figure 15. Salary field value exposed

The moral of this story is this: don't depend on hide-whens alone. The only way to absolutely hide content in a Notes database is to set the Readers and Authors properties in the Security tab of the form's properties box, or add Readers and Authors fields to the document itself. The purchase-order application, for example, has a complex reader's field that restricts access to documents by department, based on department numbers, ACL groups, and individuals named in the document:

For POs submitted from most departments, reader access is controlled by the settings in the Form properties box. This formula further restricts reader access to POs from four departments.

The surest way to hide data in a Domino application is to use a readers field in the documents that include the sensitive data. Only the persons or groups defined by the readers field will have access, and all other users will be denied. Users who do not have access to a document will not see it listed in views. If you want to make sure users are unaware of the categories of documents they cannot access, set the properties for each view in your application to 'Don't show categories having zero documents.' (It's on the Advanced tab of the View properties box.) This feature is new in Release 5.

Client-related hide-whens

Making an application's UI work in both Notes clients and Web browsers can require a great deal of hide-when work. UI features that work in one client may not work in the other. For instance, Notes supports tabs, but Web browsers don't. Attachments go in a rich text field in Notes, but they require an upload control in a Web browser.

If the application is simple enough, a single form can handle both clients. Release 5 of Domino has made it easier by adding an @function, @ClientType, to make it simple to evaluate the user's client platform. You can hide design elements by writing hide-when formulas that evaluate the client type.

If you design elements specifically for one client or the other, you can enforce your choice by hiding the element from the client it isn't designed for in that element's design properties box. In Designer, right-click on the element's name and choose Design Properties. Then select the Design tab of the properties box (T-square and triangle) and under 'Hide design element from' select either the Notes clients or Web browsers. This works for virtually all design elements-outlines, framesets, pages, forms, views, folders, navigators, and resources.

Figure 16. Hide design element from Web or Notes clients

Additionally, scripted events can help adjust forms for compatibility with different clients. Release 5 provides new events, WebQueryOpen and WebQueryClose, to allow you to script additional processing of forms intended for browsers.

There comes a point, however, when the complexity of what's hidden and what's revealed makes it simpler to create separate forms for each client, or to use a computed subform to deliver the right UI to the right client. The simplest approach is usually to create two parallel paths through the application's architecture-one set of forms and views for Notes clients, another for Web browsers, both sharing the same documents.

The easiest way to start the user down the right path is to use the Launch options in the Database properties box. Launch the database on the Web by opening any one of the possible options-a frameset that contains a Web-friendly view, perhaps, or a page that serves as a home page for the application on the Web. Make your choice from the list that opens under 'When opened in a browser' on the Launch tab:

Figure 17. Database Launch properties

There is one 'gotcha' you need to keep in mind when hiding elements from particular clients. You can't hide fields from browsers if you want their values to be accessible to JavaScript or CGI scripts. It's common to pass a value in a pure HTML form while hiding it from users:

<INPUT type=HIDDEN name='metasearch' value='yes'>

If you use a hide-when to hide a field from the Web in a Domino application, however, it is omitted from the HTML page generated by Domino.

Hide-when exceptions

Just about any UI element can be hidden in a Domino application. There are two exceptions, and they are the source of most problems with hide-whens in complex applications: rich text fields and tables.

The problem with both is that they can contain elements that can be independently hidden or revealed, so the magic of hide-whens can't work reliably on them. For each element, Domino makes compromises in order to 'do the right thing.'

No hocus-pocus for tables, but...

For tables, the compromise is to do nothing at all. A table can't be hidden. There is no Hide tab in its properties box. But Domino does the right thing for the contents of individual cells: it treats them as paragraphs. A field in a table cell can be hidden or revealed. Multiple paragraphs within a cell can be individually hidden. Domino does the right thing with table rows, as well: when all the contents of a row are hidden, the row itself is hidden and the space it occupies is closed up. Because the right thing for table columns is harder to predict, the Domino compromise is to not close up the column space if all its contents are hidden.

The effect is that you can hide a table by hiding everything within it. But if a row of the table is visible, all its columns are visible, even though the contents of some cells may be hidden.

For rich text fields, keep it simple

Nowhere does the logic of 'the right thing' for hide-whens become more twisted than in rich text fields. Unlike tables, you can hide rich text fields. But a hide-when for a rich text field is really more of a suggestion than an absolute imperative. The reason is that paragraphs within a rich text field can be given hide-when attributes different from the field as a whole. Notes applies these attributes from the outside in: if an element inside the field contradicts the properties of the field itself, the element wins and the field is displayed in accordance with the properties of the element.

This is all in the name of doing the right thing by the content. The displayed result may be right for the content but a surprise for the developer. It is possible to pretzel the logic of a rich text hide-when to the point that the element that is forcing a field to display is itself hidden.

Even if the contents of a rich text field can be expected to behave themselves, hiding the field can still be problematical. Using a hide-when depends on being able to evaluate a condition. The simplest conditions are no problem-is the form in Edit mode or Read mode? But anything more complicated usually depends on evaluating the contents of the field itself. The most common test is usually to see if the field has contents, and hide it if it doesn't:

ThisField = '

This works fine for text fields, but not for rich text fields, which do not evaluate to empty. A common workaround for rich text fields that are guaranteed to contain text is to use a flag field (we'll call it FlagField) and the @Abstract function. Create a computed text field and give it the formula:

@Abstract([abbrev]; 200; '; SomeRichTextField)

Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design Elements Formed

Then you can give the rich text field named SomeRichTextField the hide-when formula:

FlagField = '

This works only if the document has been saved, since rich text fields are not part of a document until it has been saved. And @Abstract doesn't work, of course, if the contents of the rich text field are something other than text. The best solution for these situations is to avoid them. Don't use rich text fields in an application unless you must, and don't apply hide-whens to the few that you use unless you can be sure that the contents of the field will always be what you expect them to be.

Put a space in front of it

There is one more workaround for problems with hiding rich text fields that needs wider distribution. If you can't get a rich text field to hide no matter what you do, put a space in front of it. Lotus Customer Support Technote #158231 reports:

'When a rich text field is the first item on a line and the form is saved before hide attributes are added to this field, hide attributes added to this field later will not work. If text, even a blank space, or another field is placed before the rich text field on the line, the field will then hide properly.'

Sections are similar

The logic of 'the right thing' in sections can seem illogical, too. You can hide a section, the same way you hide any other object on a form, but it does a sort of Cheshire Cat act-parts of it hide, but parts of it stay in plain site. Here's an example:

You create a section that contains a few fields. In the Hide tab of the Section properties box, you write a formula to hide the section based on the value of a field above. When this section's formula evaluates to true the section title will be hidden. But all the fields within the section will remain visible.#xa0Is there logic in this? Yes. The reason is that on a form fields are not actually contained within a section: they aren't child-objects of the section object, they are child-objects of the form itself. So while you might expect them to inherit the properties of the section, they don't. You have to set them all individually. Fortunately, you can do this in one shot-highlight the entire section (fields as well as the section title), click the Properties SmartIcon, and then add the same hide-when formula as the section has to the Hide tab of the Text properties box.

Other hide-when tips and techniques

Hide-whens seem to show more of their capricious personality when used in tables: The Notes/Domino Gold Release Forum regularly carries posts from developers seeking a solution to problems with wandering hide-whens that move from cell to cell, or a runaway hide-when formula that replicates itself in every cell. The connection with tables, however, is tenuous, because similar problems can occur even when there are no tables involved. Experience indicates that the problems are most likely resource-related: the more complex a form gets, and the longer the editing session goes on, the more likely problems are to occur. The best advice seems to be to make sure your PC has plenty of available memory and system resources.

Ibm Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design Elements

If you're having trouble with hide-whens, whether in tables or not, try these tips, many of them gleaned from the Gold Release Forum:

  • Create and position all the fields in the form before you attempt to set their hide-when properties. Adding new fields and text, cutting and pasting to rearrange a form, adding or deleting table rows-all these things change the relationships between design elements and paragraphs, which can change the hide-when properties of the elements involved.
  • Make sure your problem isn't 'pilot error.' Make sure that elements that are supposed to have hide-when properties or formulas do indeed have them and that those that shouldn't, don't. If you add or move fields, recheck to make sure the proper formulas are still there. If you insert paragraphs or elements, make sure they haven't inherited hide-when attributes from 'parent' paragraphs.
  • If you create a formula in the 'Hide paragraph if formula is true:' box, be sure the checkbox is also selected; the formula won't be recognized until the box is checked. If you uncheck the box, be sure to also delete the formula; a formula, once recognized, may continue to be recognized until it is removed, regardless of the state of the checkbox.
  • Save the form frequently as you work on it. If you suspect that your machine is resource-bound (if your fonts occasionally vanish, or windows won't open or close, or applications lock up), conduct your Designer session on as clean a machine as possible. Shut down all nonessential windows and applications. It may help avoid problems to periodically shut everything down and restart your PC regularly within your editing session.
  • As you work, make copies of the form so you can revert to a recent version if necessary, and when you finish, make a safe backup of the working form.
  • In extreme cases, save after each formula change.
  • If you are having trouble with hide-whens not working, compact the database. (Even if it doesn't work, it gives you a quiet minute or two of meditation to slow your heart rate and calm your breathing.) If the formulas appear to be correct but the form still is not working, try deleting formulas, saving the form, then recreating the formulas a few at a time.

Lotus Notes Insufficient Memory Too Many Design Elements Called


Hide-whens are an important tool for creating an optimal user interface for a Domino application. They allow the developer to tailor a form to the needs of the user, whether reading or editing, and to the capabilities of the client. But hide-whens add another layer of complexity to forms that are often already complex. The results can push both Domino and the developer to their limits. Understanding those limits, and making sure the simple structures of the form work before adding complexity, are the key to a good results.

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